God-Centered Retreats

Workshops - Seminars - Retreats

Motivational and Keynote Speaking

We provide God-Centered - Spiritual retreats and seminars. Participants complete a profile prior to attending the retreat. They also submit questions, concerns and issues that will be addressed during the sessions. We ensure "anonymity" of all submitted information.

Our God-Centered Retreat assessment consist of, spiritual gifts, and leadership potential. Participants will see their "anonymous" list of gifts and other strengths as compared to other participants. They will also see the blind spots that may be getting in their way to success. Participants will vividly see how their gifts and other strengths may interfere or assist their team in goal achievement.

An in-depth "personal" assessment is an important activity for any person seeking or in a leadership or management position. 

Let us design a special education adventure for you and your team.

Below is one of our latest and most popular offering.

  • Magic Carpet

Magic Carpet

Participants celebrate after they "Crossed 'this' Jordan"

Participants used all their gifts, talents and abilities to help each other cross the Jordan. They learned how to work together to achieve this "impossible" task. This concept may be transferred right back to the workplace or place of worship. Life for these participants (you) will never the same after this once in a lifetime experience. Are you ready for: "Crossing this' Jordan" challenge. 

  • Vision and Faith

Vision and Faith

 The Best Is Yet To Come This "crossover" book is a blueprint for personal, professional and spiritual development.

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Learn to accept your greatness and enjoy the great life that's waiting for you.

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We teach people how to accept their greatness and enjoy their new life with zest and enthusiasm.

  • Promised Land Map

Promised Land Map

his map shows a clear direction right up to your vision of the future. Participants are challenged to create a lifetime personal/professional vision for the future.

Teams develop a vision of where they choose to be within 3-5 or more years? They will use the concepts of this retreat to develop a strategic plan to "get" there.

Crossing "this" Jordan activity is full of roadblocks to the vision. Participants use their gifts, talents and abilities to overcome adversity.

Eagles - Leaders Always Take The Highest Branch
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